Worldviews: 1944, 1994 and 2024: 80 Years of Dramatic Change
Systems science has been a powerful factor in the birth of our modern IT society Who remembers Alan Turing’s Entscheidungsproblem? It started IT. I am writing a book on TOE from the perspective of systems science. The book will include a brief description of the development of cybernetics. In 1944, Wiener created a basic work,…
Feedback for the idea of the TOE book; Palautetta Kaikenteoriasta
Etukäteisarvio Kaikenteoria – kirjan ideasta OpenAI:lta
Visuaalinen tekoälykehitelmä: OpenAI interprets the Era of Enlightenment from my GoodReason diagram
Text based information, visualization and artificial intelligence are forming new possibilities to communicate, more versatile than ever before. However, each type of presentation has its owns challenges to be accepted and adopted by the user. The answer was: “Based on the image provided, I will create a story set in an alternative universe during the…