It is generally known that science is nowadays fragmented into narrow sub-areas, small disciplines. It becomes increasingly a hindrance as new forms of information technology push into the market and service structures are constantly changing.
In this presentation (PDF files) in Finnish and English, the entire scientific community is modeled for the purpose of multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary development, and the conceptual architecture is the Viable System Model (VSM) known from cybernetics, because as a systemic solution it is not a sector-specific, but a generic way of development.
- Inspired by ChatGPT, the purpose of this presentation is to reconcile these two completely different principles using systems science: “Everything is a System”. The VSM model is known to be recursive, learning and adaptive. In science, organization is based on main cognitive concepts that are coordinated with levels S1-S5.
The purpose of the presentation, inspired by ChatGPT, is to reconcile these two completely different principles with the means of systems science: “Everything is a System”. The VSM model is known to be recursive, learning and adaptive. In science, organization is based on main cognitive concepts that are coordinated with levels S1-S5. The files open in their respective windows. This has been yet another research trip to the core of science and knowledge, to study the nature of multidisciplinarity with the methods of the systemic field.
In English:
In Finnish:
Suomessa samaa aihetta on tutkittu Avoimen tieteen ryhmässä AVOTT, jossa on päädytty IT-spesifiseen TOGAF-arkkitehtuuriin, joka liian jäykkänä ratkaisuna ja ilman systeemiajattelun tukea kohtaa omaat haasteensa, joista tässä yleisemmässä arkkitehtuurissa on ollut tarkoituksena päästä eroon.
Tiedättä ja tutkimusta voi mallintaa systeeminä, monitieteisesti, monialaisesti. Sen ymmärtää kun tutkii tämän esityksen ideaa. Se on kuvattu kirjassa Kaikenteoria – Uusi maailmankuva.
Thank you for your interest, Eki Laitila