Due to the topicality and importance of the topic, the part of the book GoodReason, Systemic InnovationPlatform, which deals with the military operation, is presented here in English, although Ukraine and Russia are mentioned in it.
Such a huge crisis, such as war, is a significant intellectual challenge for the author and for the technology and methodology he uses to get into the subject more deeply and widely than traditional media can.
I hope I have succeeded well in that. Each part of the appendix’s nine pages is based on a separate metatheme. These include ontology, epistemology, methodology, paradigm, organizational perspective, decision-making ability and implementation, as well as feedback to meet expectations and the integration of the phenomenon into a larger pattern.
At the end of the appendix, it is stated that the UN should be completely changed or replaced by a body that by default prevents the emergence of state terrorism.
Link to the document, here: https://metayliopisto.fi/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Ukraine_Crisis_Special__BOOK_InnovationPlatform_2402_2023.pdf